Attack with Cavalry Archers if you're playing a Civilization like Mongols or Huns.To achieve this you need to modify the build order to collect stone.
You can do it while attacking or helping your allies with a few knights. This is recommended if you're pocket pick. The most common is making 2 knights, send them to attack and then do more knights to keep attacking. In team play don't go Fast Castle if you're playing an open map and your initial position is near your opponents. They will generally go Archer Rush, Tower Rush or Scout Rush, which counters Fast Castle unless you are really good at fast castling,defending and walling. Generally when playing 1v1 against ~1700 (steam) elo players. If you do it right it will ensure you 1650+ elo in steam. This is the first build order you should learn and master. Generally go Fast Castle if you're new to the game. You can also go Fast Castle in maps like Black Forest if you wall correctly or in other maps if you're good at defending. This means your position in the map is away from the opponents (you're in the middle of your allies).
The build order given here (25+2) is the easiest and most recommended.
Britons, Japanese and Mongols allow for 23 (Feudal) and 25 (Castle) up times if you do everything right. If you're new it's recommended that you research loom after the first vills. Civilizations like Persians, Mayans and Chinese are faster. You can go faster if you try going up at 25 or less vills but then you will sacrifice either economy or military. Good castle times are around the 15 min mark. You have to check the in-game time, not the real time. If you don't like practicing in mods you can just go to multiplayer and check your castle times. There are specific mods to practice Fast Castle. While going to castle research available technologies at lumber camp and mill. One of wood villagers builds blacksmith and stable. One of villagers in wood builds barracks. 21, 22, 23, 24 to wood in new lumber camp.
20 builds house and then a lumber camp in another wood line (this is important). 10 villager builds house and lures boar. First 3 villagers build houses and then harvest sheep. Without further do here is the build order: Then additional in depth advice will be given. We are going to show the basic 'Fast Castle knights' first. There are a ton of different Fast Castle build orders.